Israel Forum Watch; 24-Hour Vilification, Apologetics and Hate from a Fanatically Pro-Israel Viewpoint

Friday, May 25, 2007

No Arabs Please, We’re Zionists.

“A French immigrant living in Israel made the news today when he was arrested for the murder of an Arab cab driver from East Jerusalem. The Israeli admitted that he murdered the Arab simply because he was an Arab. It was a premeditated act of hatred, and one which is very rare, but no less despicable.
To put this act in perspective, nearly every day, including today, Palestinians are murdered in factional violence at the hands of their own brothers. For example, today in particular, four Arabs were murdered by their fellow Arabs in the Gaza Strip. Likewise, Islamist terrorists attempt to mass-murder Jewish citizens and commit unspeakable acts of terrorism against Jews each and every day.
Despite the ongoing threat from Arab terrorists, it is extraordinarily rare that Jewish citizens retaliate against the Arabs. In fact, Muslims stroll freely through the streets of Jewish cities throughout Israel, and comprise a whopping 20% of Israel’s population.
Nonetheless, today’s murder is inexcusable as it represents a grave danger to society and to the cause of finding a just solution to the global Muslim terrorism problem. No legitimate political movement in Israel, or elsewhere, can condone this criminal act.” - NewsGuy

Well that’s a commendable effort. Pardon my cynicism, but was it sincere? Others quickly get to the real issue (the eternal issue),

"Part of expelling Arabs from Israel so it can survive will involve the use of terror by israelis. We all know there is no civil solution, which is why no attempt has ever borne fruit.If Israelis want Israel to be a Jewish state they will have to break some laws and take some lives. They can also opt to do nothing, and it may well be that Israelis will give up Israel rather than fight a dirty war. That is the free choice of Israelis, but they shouldn't fail to ADMIT that to keep Israel a Jewish state will require ethnic cleansing. Idefy anyone to submit another way for israel to avoid being demographically overturned from within."

Such conversation seems to dis-inhibit our initial poster,

"Right. I also believe that to stop the bloodshed on both sides, there must be separation between Arabs and Jews. I would like the Arabs to live in peace and dignity in their own Muslim countries, not in Israel, and I support creating a political, economic, and social climate that would encourage the Arabs to leave. "– NewsGuy

And murdering them in the streets certainly does help in creating the social climate to “encourage the Arabs to leave”.